Resources for Friends and Members,
Membership at St. Paul’s UCC
Who can become a member? Anyone!
Are there certain things I have to believe before I can become a member?
No. In the United Church of Christ, we believe in testimonies of faith rather than tests of faith. We understand that faith is a dynamic reality in the life of each person, and that each person’s relationship with God is shaped by different experiences and emphases. Our members come from many different places and traditions, and we give thanks that God has brought us together to be partners in Christ’s service.
What is expected of church members?
Membership involves a promise to participate in the life of the church. This will mean different things for different people, so each member is expected to discern how they are able to share in the worship, work, and outreach of St. Paul’s UCC.
Why should I become a church member?
Becoming a local church member is a meaningful way to profess your commitment to love and serve God in community, and your desire to walk with others in the journey of faith. Local church membership is not like an initiation rite or a club membership — we believe that each baptized Christian is already a member of the universal Church. Instead, it is an act of affirmation, a time for a person to re-affirm their baptismal vows, and for the congregation to affirm its commitment to love and support each person in the church.
What is the difference between membership and friendship?
Our church community consists of both members and friends. We all belong to the same body of faith, but according to our church constitution there are certain roles that only members can assume. Only members can serve on the consistory, our church’s governing body. And when decisions are made at congregational meetings, everyone has a voice, but only members are authorized to vote.
So how can I become a member?
Just tell the pastor that you are interested in joining. New members are received as a part of Sunday morning worship. During the worship service, the new members are invited to stand with the pastor for a few minutes for a brief program of affirmation.
What if I haven’t been baptized?
Infant baptism is the standard practice and all baptism is recognized in the United Church of Christ. But when a person who has not been baptized wishes to become a member, it is customary for that person to be baptized either on a prior Sunday or on the Sunday when they will join the church, directly preceding the reception of new members.
The Church Cemetery
The church, schoolhouse and cemetery sit on 8 ½ acres.
St. Paul’s UCC Cemetery is an active cemetery set and maintained on lovely grounds.
If interested in buying a plot at St. Paul’s Cemetery, please call 610-363-7285 or email us.
The cost for a single plot is $1,100 for church members and $2,100 for non-members. Two plots will be offered at $2,000 for members and $4,000 for non-members.
The cemetery is divided into four sections: “The Old Cemetery” nearest the church; Section B located in the middle of the cemetery; Section C closest section to the church next door; and Section D, the Memorial Garden” is located toward the bottom of the cemetery and is made up of the last three rows. Only plaques or ground sitters can be installed in the last three rows of Section D and the last row is cremation only.
Horace Wilson assumed the role of caretaker at the age of 23 and continued to care for St. Paul’s Cemetery for over sixty years except for the two years he served in the Army during World War II. In 2009, as an Eagle Scout project, Michael Scripko, catalogued, computerized, and charted headstones in the “Old Cemetery” and reset fallen headstones, some dating back to the 1800’s. Michael’s finished product is available as part of the church’s permanent records.
Member Files (password protected)
This page is still in process. Stay tuned.
Fetters-White Schoolhouse