What We Do

We worship, We serve, We learn,

We worship.

The word “worship” comes from an old English word “weorth,” meaning “worth.” “Weorthscipe” literally means “worth-ness” – the honoring of things of value. In our worship, we not only honor God, but we honor one another and our world. We affirm the ways that each of us – and all people – are made in the astonishing images of God and all experience the beauty and brokenness of life. Church is a place where, it might be said, “We are all just walking each other home.”

In worship we sing, pray, learn, share. In the spirit of Jesus, who broke bread with the ones he loved, we celebrate communion once a month – usually on the first Sunday. We use individual cups of grape juice and small cubes of bread and gluten-free wafers for communion which are offered to people while seated. It is an open table – all are welcome. And all means all – members and visitors, young and old. Whether you are a person of faith or no faith, someone from another faith, or someone with questions or doubt, this table is open to you. Whether you are feeling excited or grumpy or skeptical or full of joy or just so, so tired, the table – and all worship – is open to you. 

Children, as Jesus taught us, are the kin-dom of God. While we are a small congregation, we celebrate all children and youth and welcome their participation and leadership. Kids – big and small – are invited to have conversation with the pastor during each service. We want to hear their news, their questions, their hopes. We welcome their wiggles, their movements, their noises, their snacks, and long to do all we can to ensure they (and their grown-ups) feel comfortable and affirmed. 

We worship in-person and online. Join us once, occasionally, or for a lifetime in whatever way is most meaningful for you. You can find videos for past services on our YouTube channel here and the link for our upcoming service (which changes each week) is below.

Link for our upcoming service

We serve.

We are called to serve one another and the world – to build connection, extend care, and participate in building a just world where all can thrive. This summer, our youth and pastor participated in the Appalachia Service Project in Dickenson County, Virginia, where they made repairs to homes to make them warmer, safer, and drier for families in need. Locally, we support the work of the Lord’s Pantry in Downingtown emergency relief in the Lionville-Exton area, and immediate needs such as collecting coats for mushroom farm workers and their families in Chester County.

The Rainbow Alliance – for lgbtq+ young people and adults – is a space for building community, mutual encouragement, support, and affirmation. If you are interested in learning more, let us know.

As a member congregation of the United Church of Christ, we regularly respond to international disasters and other vital needs through One Great Hour of Sharing, through which we are able to provide help in more than 138 countries worldwide, and Our Church’s Wider Mission, which works in cooperation with other denominations assisting the poor and suffering at home and abroad. 

We learn.

We learn together. We take the Bible seriously, but not literally. In worship, we explore the life of Jesus and the ways that the writings and experiences of our ancestors of faith can speak to our lives today. 

Our congregation is part of the Interfaith Action Community, a gathering of Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and other communities of faith in Chester County. Through shared worship, service, and educational events, we serve our wider community, learn from one another, and deepen understanding and respect for our neighbors and their rich religious traditions. 

While there is currently no Sunday School program, we have an active group of youth who are engaged in service and community-building, and we welcome the presence and participation of children in worship.